Undergraduate Research at OSU

Students in our Summer School conduct independent research. In addition to our training, The Ohio State University has various resources for supporting undergraduate research. First is their new office, Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry, who

strives to nurture and support mentored research pursuits of all undergraduate students to proactively transform and enrich their academic experience by providing inclusive and innovative research engagement opportunities and fostering collaborative partnerships in the world beyond the classroom.

Check our their website for their services. Also check out OSU’s Research Commons, and the Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State, JUROS, where some of our students have published their Summer School research.

A resource outside of OSU is the Council of Undergraduate Research. They have a small and limited range of services and resources for undergraduates, but their main job is to advise universities on how to set up undergraduate research programs. Its good to know that such an organization is out there on behalf of undergraduate students.