Ohio State University President Gordon Gee Visits Summer School in Social Sciences

On Sunday, June 21, 2009, the President of The Ohio State University, E. Gordon Gee, visited the OSU Summer School in Social Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.  President Gee spent the evening with the Summer School students and Professors Maciek Slomczynski and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, the teachers and administrators of the School, at a restaurant in Old Town.  On the following Monday, President Gee hosted a dinner for alumni and friends of OSU in Poland.  President Gee used the occasion to praise our Summer School as a unique OSU Study Abroad program that will establish a standard for other programs at OSU.

This year, the Summer School also welcomed a visit by J. Craig Jenkins, the Chair of the Department of Sociology at The Ohio State University.  Professor Jenkins met with the students and delivered a talk at the Polish Academy of Sciences on the politics of dissent and repression in cross-national perspective. 

Professor Henryk Domanski, Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, delivered a guest lecture on the dynamics of social inequality in Western and Eastern Europe. 

Please see the syllabus for details.